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Our Services

Health and Safety Consulting

Stay Safe Consulting provides a total solution service to our clients. Our proactive approach drives preventative rather than reactive actions that aid in the prevention of incidents and accidents. This is accomplished by our ubiquitous tablet system, which enables all documentation and reports to be sent to the project team and stakeholders prior to our departure from site. We provide complete documentation to concisely convey our findings and recommendations. Our due diligence and passion for safety is unrivalled in the industry.

Our staff are fully qualified, internally trained and enrolled in continual education programs to ensure they are exemplary in the marketplace. This allows Stay Safe Consulting to provide you with the best consulting advice inclusive of legislation updates and the impact it will have to your business.

Stay Safe Consulting is experienced in developing a comprehensive health and safety program customized to meet your unique workplace needs. As your partner in health and safety, we develop programs that not only save lives and reduce injuries, but also reduce insurance premiums, fines and government intervention. A comprehensive and well planned safety program helps improve company productivity, employee morale and employer/employee relationships.

Our “Due Diligence” Safety Services include:

  • Weekly workplace inspections, follow-up reporting and documentation

  • Implementation of your Health and Safety program

  • Assistance in compliance with legislative requirements

  • Formal safety meeting with all employees

  • Assistance with establishing Health and Safety Committees and meetings

  • Assistance with ongoing employer/employee safety communications

  • Documentation audits to ensure compliance with all mandatory requirements

  • All required safety documentation implementation such as the following:


Job Safety Analysis 

Keeping records of the protocols, regulations, methods, and reports regarding safety in the workplace is legally required. A Job Safety Analysis reflects risk assessment evaluations, which clearly identify all safety and health risks associated with specific jobs. These types of records are essential tools when you’re planning for and responding to various workplace threats and hazards. They also create and maintain an awareness of risks and the specific people who could be affected by those hazards.

SWMS or Safe Work Method Statement

Method statements are designed to outline the procedures with which specific work-related tasks should be carried out. These documents are very common within the construction industry, but any line of work that requires detailed, actionable protocols should make use of them.

Most method statements include information like start dates and end dates of a project, a description of the project, and all potential hazards associated with the project. Emergency procedures and monitoring guidelines should also be included. Although a mission statement may sound much like a risk assessment evaluation, the difference is that a method statement takes the information compiled in a risk evaluation and uses it to put together a guide for how to complete work safely.

Near-Miss Reports (Incident Investigation Reports)

Issues or problems that happen in the workplace that have the potential to cause harm to someone are documented in near-miss reports. Near-miss incidents can be identified as occurrences during which the interruption of a chain of events prevented injury or damage from taking place. Near-miss reports are similar to incident reports, identifying circumstances in which an accident didn’t happen but where one very well could have. Collecting near-miss reports helps everyone in the workplace identify weaknesses in the protocols that allow for incidents to occur. In addition, they’re necessary documents for ensuring that unsafe scenarios don’t play out again.

Equipment and Machinery Inspection Reports

One of the best ways to promote employee safety is by regularly inspecting machinery and equipment. You’ll want (and need) to prove these inspections happened by logging machinery inspection reports that describe what was inspected, who did the inspection, and what was found. 

This type of safety documentation needs to include the items checked, the date of inspection, the results of the inspection, and the signature of the person who performed the inspection. These reports, when created regularly, will help make sure that employees are working with safe, updated machinery.

Emergency Action Plan

These plans give clear, detailed instructions on how people within a building should act in the event of specific disasters. Emergency action plans must provide an overview of all potential disasters, whether they be fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, explosions, or anything else. 

Your employees must know that life is always the company’s most important asset, so your emergency action plan must cover a wide variety of topics. Things like how an emergency will be reported, procedures for evacuations, how you will account for employees post-evacuation, procedures for performing rescue or medical tasks, and the names of employees who can be contacted for further information regarding the plan are all important constituents. 

Annual Health and Safety Review

Health and safety programs are pivotal for preventing workplace accidents, injuries, illnesses, and the associated financial burdens they can cause for employers, employees, and their families. The recommended practices for small and medium-sized businesses in Australia offer a practical, step-by-step approach to implementing a successful health and safety (H&S) program. Each organization should tailor its program to reflect specific business practices, workplace hazards, and the ways in which it maintains the health and safety of its employees. A good H&S program starts with a basic system and achievable goals, then builds upon these foundations. By setting goals, evaluating outcomes, and monitoring performance, your business can continually improve its health and safety standards.

Benefits of an Annual WH&S Program Review

Businesses that implement these recommended practices also enjoy additional benefits. Comprehensive safety and health programs help employers:

  • Increase productivity and improve overall business operations

  • Comply more effectively with laws and regulations

  • Prevent workplace injuries, illnesses, and accidents

  • Reduce costs, including lower workers’ compensation premiums

  • Engage employees and enhance social responsibility initiatives

Stay Safe Consulting provides comprehensive safety and health program development and updates. We ensure ongoing monitoring of your company's safety program, including performing an annual review.

Components of the Safety and Health Program Review

Schedule Audit: We assist with updates to your written safety program by:

  • Implementing client-requested changes

  • Checking for missing regulatory topics

  • Updating contacts and titles

  • Ensuring consistent formatting

  • Correcting spelling and grammar

  • Adding a review date

Recommending, adding, or removing content based on your work type

Following the review of your workplace safety program, we provide a completion report and updated manual.

Audits: We conduct worksite audits to evaluate compliance with Occupational Safety and Health regulations. The Stay Safe Consulting Audit Services include:​

  • Fact-finding to gather relevant information, using a team approach for specialized focus

  • Reviewing findings in detail

  • Developing improvement recommendations

  • Planning and implementing corrective actions

  • Publishing audit results to ensure widespread awareness

Preparing by reviewing past audits and action recommendations

Administrative Reviews: Our industrial safety management services include administrative reporting to maintain OSHA compliance.

General Consulting Services: Stay Safe Consulting offers a range of services, including OSHA safety consulting and training, facility and site assessments, written health and safety programs, and safety staffing across various industries like construction, manufacturing, power, oil, and gas.

At Stay Safe Consulting, we prioritize the health and safety of your workers. Our team of experts is committed to providing the necessary support to ensure your company complies with Australian health and safety regulations.

WHS.OHS. Emergency Management Consulting

Workplace Inspections

Workplace inspections are vital in preventing injuries and illnesses. By thoroughly examining your work environment, our experts at Safety First Consulting will identify any potential hazards and call for appropriate solutions. Joint Health and Safety Committees can assist in the planning, conducting, reporting and monitoring of these inspections.

Regular inspections are an integral aspect of a company’s overall health and safety plan. Here are some of the many reasons why regular health and safety inspections should be a priority for your company:

  • Employers are given the opportunity to listen to the concerns of their workers and supervisors

  • Employers and employees alike will earn a deeper understanding of the various responsibilities within their workplace

  • Any existing and potential hazards will be revealed and dealt with appropriately

  • The underlying causes hazards can be determined so that any similar problem can be prevented in the future

  • Hazard controls will be monitored (this includes personal protective equipment, engineering controls, policies and procedures)

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Office Workstation Ergonomics

Office ergonomics reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by adapting the work environment to fit the person.


Our hands-on program teaches employees and supervisors to manage their own physical well-being through correct workstation techniques and good work habits.


The StaySafe ergonomics workshop and assessments help train your workers to maintain healthy working habits for the long haul.

Office Ergonomics Training Courses

While ergonomics may not be able to prevent the problem altogether, accommodations and proper equipment can make the worker more comfortable and able to stay on the job.

An ergonomics program can:

  • Increase productivity. People who feel better work more efficiently. Nine out of 10 employees link workspace design to their productivity.

  • Improve employee health and morale. Employees who have ergonomics assessments report feeling pleased that their employer cares about them.

  • Save money. Proper workstation design reduces costs associated with “presenteeism” – employees working below par because they don’t feel well.

Our typical program consists of a short group training session followed by individual ergonomic assessments. We start by assessing employees who have reported pain or discomfort.


Then we assess each employee’s workspace, observe how they work and provide them with a personalized written report that addresses any specific areas of concern expressed by the employee and suggests cost-effective changes to the work environment – including new equipment, workstation redesign, and behavioral changes.

We provide each employee with a reference handout that covers topics addressed in both the training session and individual assessment, including proper work habits, workstation layout and stretches. We also provide a list of ergonomic office equipment recommended in the individual assessments, along with vendors.


Project Safety & Support sign

Office Workstation Ergonomics

Office ergonomics reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries by adapting the work environment to fit the person.


Our hands-on program teaches employees and supervisors to manage their own physical well-being through correct workstation techniques and good work habits.


The StaySafe ergonomics workshop and assessments help train your workers to maintain healthy working habits for the long haul.

Office Ergonomics Training Courses

While ergonomics may not be able to prevent the problem altogether, accommodations and proper equipment can make the worker more comfortable and able to stay on the job.

An ergonomics program can:

  • Increase productivity. People who feel better work more efficiently. Nine out of 10 employees link workspace design to their productivity.

  • Improve employee health and morale. Employees who have ergonomics assessments report feeling pleased that their employer cares about them.

  • Save money. Proper workstation design reduces costs associated with “presenteeism” – employees working below par because they don’t feel well.

Our typical program consists of a short group training session followed by individual ergonomic assessments. We start by assessing employees who have reported pain or discomfort.


Then we assess each employee’s workspace, observe how they work and provide them with a personalized written report that addresses any specific areas of concern expressed by the employee and suggests cost-effective changes to the work environment – including new equipment, workstation redesign, and behavioral changes.

We provide each employee with a reference handout that covers topics addressed in both the training session and individual assessment, including proper work habits, workstation layout and stretches. We also provide a list of ergonomic office equipment recommended in the individual assessments, along with vendors.


Online Training sign

Health & Safety Training done on your schedule

Online Safety Training for a Temporarily Remote Workforce

Amidst the mandatory business shut-downs and stay-home orders, necessary businesses laden with occupational hazards are looking for ways to keep their workforce compliant with OHS standards. How do you train your workers to improve safety practices while keeping them safe from the spread of disease?

StaySafe has translated the curriculum for some of our popular courses to accommodate OHS classes online for your organisation. Our virtual training can accommodate your courses and even virtual safety inspections to help improve your compliance.

Study any topic, any time. Choose your course and learn on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

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prtect safety & support
online training

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