Health and Safety Consultants Serving Brisbane
Stay Safe Consulting provides a total solution service to our clients across Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast. Our proactive approach drives preventative rather than reactive actions that aid in the prevention of incidents and accidents. This is accomplished by our ubiquitous tablet system, which enables all documentation and reports to be sent to the project team and stakeholders prior to our departure from site. We provide complete documentation to concisely convey our findings and recommendations. Our due diligence and passion for safety is unrivaled in the industry.
Our staff are fully qualified, internally trained and enrolled in continual education programs to ensure they are exemplary in the marketplace. This allows Stay Safe Consulting to provide you with the best consulting advice inclusive of legislation updates and the impact it will have to your business.
Stay Safe Consulting is experienced in developing a comprehensive health and safety program customized to meet your unique workplace needs. As your partner in health and safety, we develop programs that not only save lives and reduce injuries, but also reduce insurance premiums, fines and government intervention. A comprehensive and well planned safety program helps improve company productivity, employee morale and employer/employee relationships.
Our “Due Diligence” Safety Services include:
Weekly workplace inspections, follow-up reporting and documentation
Implementation of your Health and Safety program
Assistance in compliance with legislative requirements
Formal safety meeting with all employees
Assistance with establishing Health and Safety Committees and meetings
Assistance with ongoing employer/employee safety communications
Documentation audits to ensure compliance with all mandatory requirements
All required safety documentation implementation
Useful WHS Resources:
Queensland Government WHS Legislation
WorkSafe Queensland Forms and Guides
Queensland Government WHS Portal:
WorkSafe Queensland
Work Health and Safety Laws
Queensland Legislation:
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Queensland Government Resources:
Workplace Health and Safety Training
Safe Work Method Statements
Safe Work Australia:
Safe Work Australia – Queensland
Industry-Specific WHS Resources:
Queensland Building and Construction Commission – WHS
Queensland Agriculture WHS

Get in Touch
We are your chosen health and safety company in Brisbane QLD.